use lib "./";
# NGS_Illumina Package #
# Author: Zhengdeng Lei #
# E-mail: leizhengdeng@hotmail.com #
# Example in caller NGS_Illumina.pl
# Assume the paths for fastx_tk, maq, bwa, samtools are in ENV{PATH}; check $PATH setting $HOME/.bash_profile
# Assume perl and python are installed
#my $NGS_obj = new NGS_Illumina ('sample_name' => 'Testis_T28',
# 'input_fq1' => 'Run1_testicular-28T_lane2_read1_sequence.txt',
# 'input_fq2' => 'Run1_testicular-28T_lane2_read2_sequence.txt',
# 'pe' => 1,
# 'reference_fa' => '/data/public/reference_genomes/genome_hg18.fa',
# 'dbsnp_rod' => '/data/nextgen1/pipeline/dbsnp_130_hg18.rod',
# 'picard_dir' => '/home/gmslz/tools/picard-tools-1.44',
# 'gatk_dir' => '/data/public/tools/gatk-v4333/Sting',
# 'tmp_dir' => '/home/tmp',
# 'java_mem' => '-Xmx4g');
#$NGS_obj -> check_fastq_format();
#$NGS_obj -> illumina2sanger();
#$NGS_obj -> qcstats();
#$NGS_obj -> fastq_trimmer(1, 74);
#$NGS_obj -> aln_bwa(); #alignment step, which includes bwa, sort, rm_pcrdup, add_rg
#$NGS_obj -> snp_analysis_gatk(); #gatk step, which includes realignment, recalibration, genotyping (indel, snp)
package NGS_Illumina;
#use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
use Time::localtime;
# private members:
# sample_name <sample name>
# input_fq1 <input fastq1>
# input_fq2 <input fastq2>
# sanger_fq1 <input fastq1 in sanger format>
# sanger_fq2 <input fastq1 in sanger format>
# reference_fa <reference genome>
# fastq_format <fastq format>
# "Sanger" -- quality score from 0 to 93 using ASCII 33 to 126
# "Solexa" Illumina 1.0 -- quality score from -5 to 62 using ASCII 59 to 126
# "Illumina" Illumina 1.3+ -- quality score from 0 to 62 using ASCII 64 to 126
# pe <paired end>
# 1 paired end
# 0 single end
#my @attributes = qw/reference_fa sample_name input_fq1 input_fq2 fastq_format sanger_fq1 sanger_fq2 pe/;
# The subroutines "new" and "initialize" for the constructor
sub new
my $class_name = shift; # Gets class name from parmlist
my $this = {}; # Creates reference to object
bless($this, $class_name); # Associates reference with class
$this->initialize(@_); # Call local initialize subroutine
# passing rest of parmlist
return $this; # Explicit return of value of $this
sub initialize
my $this = shift; # Receive an object reference as 1st param
my %parms = @_; # Get passed parameters from the call to "new"
# Change hash reference for key with supplied value, or assign default
$this->{reference_fa} = $parms{reference_fa} || 'hg18.fa';
$this->{sample_name} = $parms{sample_name} || 'undef_sample_name';
$this->{input_fq1} = $parms{input_fq1} || 0;
$this->{input_fq2} = $parms{input_fq2} || 0;
$this->{pe} = $parms{pe} || 1;
$this->{fastq_format} = $parms{fastq_format} || 'Illumina';
$this->{sanger_fq1} = $parms{sample_name}.'_read1_sanger.fq';
$this->{sanger_fq2} = $parms{sample_name}.'_read2_sanger.fq';
$this->{dbsnp_rod} = $parms{dbsnp_rod} || '/data/nextgen1/pipeline/dbsnp_130_hg18.rod';
$this->{target_bed} = $parms{target_bed} || '/data/nextgen1/pipeline/targets/SureSelect_All_Exon_G3362_with_names.v2.bed';
$this->{java_mem} = $parms{java_mem} || '-Xmx4g';
$this->{num_thread} = $parms{num_thread} || 8;
$this->{gatk_dir} = $parms{gatk_dir} || '/data/public/tools/gatk-v4333/Sting';
$this->{picard_dir} = $parms{picard_dir} || '/home/gmslz/tools/picard-tools-1.44';
$this->{tools_dir} = $parms{tools_dir} || '/data/public/tools/gatk_pipeline/src-pipeline';
$this->{tmp_dir} = $parms{tmp_dir} || '/home/tmp';
$this->{picard_MarkDuplicates} = "java $this->{java_mem} -jar $this->{picard_dir}/MarkDuplicates.jar";
$this->{picard_AddOrReplaceReadGroups} = "java $this->{java_mem} -jar $this->{picard_dir}/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar";
$this->{picard_SortSam} = "java $this->{java_mem} -jar $this->{picard_dir}/SortSam.jar";
$this->{picard_FixMateInformation} = "java $this->{java_mem} -Djava.io.tmpdir=$this->{tmp_dir}/ -jar $this->{picard_dir}/FixMateInformation.jar";
$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} = "java $this->{java_mem} -Djava.io.tmpdir=$this->{tmp_dir}/ -jar $this->{gatk_dir}/dist/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar";
$this->{gatk_makeIndelMask_py} = "$this->{gatk_dir}/python/makeIndelMask.py";
$this->{aligned_bam_file} = "./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted.rmdup.rg.bam"; #This is the final bam file after bwa alignment, i.e. before gatk
$this->{final_recalibrated_bam_file} = "./bam/$this->{sample_name}.final.recalibrated.bam"; #This is the final recalibrated bam file after after gatk
if ($this->{fastq_format} eq "Sanger")
$this->{sanger_fq1} = $this->{input_fq1};
$this->{sanger_fq2} = $this->{input_fq2};
#print $ENV{'PATH'}, "\n\n\n";
my @subfolders = qw/qcstats bam snp_analysis_gatk/;
foreach my $dir (@subfolders)
if (!(-e $dir))
sub modify # modify the object
my $this = shift; # Figure out who I am
my %parms = @_; # Make hash out of rest of parm list
for(keys %parms)
$this->{$_} = $parms{$_}; # Replace with new value
sub snp_analysis_gatk
# GATK Documents:
# http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/gatkdocs/
# e.g.:
# http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/gatkdocs/org_broadinstitute_sting_gatk_filters_DuplicateReadFilter.html
# http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/gatkdocs/org_broadinstitute_sting_gatk_walkers_filters_VariantFiltration.html
my $this = shift;
my $max_depth = 10000;
# goto EVAL1;
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T DepthOfCoverage -l INFO ". #not support -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} -L $this->{target_bed} ".
"-I $this->{aligned_bam_file} ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.depthofcoverage > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.depthofcoverage.log");
#step 1 --- Local realignment around indels
#step 1.1 --- gatk -T RealignerTargetCreator; Determining (small) suspicious intervals around indels
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T RealignerTargetCreator -l INFO ". #not support -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I $this->{aligned_bam_file} ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.intervals > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.intervals.log");
#step 1.2 --- gatk -T IndelRealigner; Running the realigner over those intervals
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T IndelRealigner -l INFO ". #not support -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I $this->{aligned_bam_file} -targetIntervals ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.intervals ".
"-o ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.bam -stats ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realign.stats.txt > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.realign.log");
run_cmd("samtools index ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.bam");
#step 1.3 --- picard SortSam
run_cmd("$this->{picard_SortSam} SO=coordinate VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT ".
"I=./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.bam ".
run_cmd("samtools index ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.sorted.bam");
#step 1.4 --- picard FixMateInformation; Fixing the mate pairs of realigned reads
run_cmd("$this->{picard_FixMateInformation} SO=coordinate VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=2000000 ".
"I=./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.sorted.bam ".
run_cmd("samtools index ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.sorted.fixed.bam");
#step 1.5 --- skip picard MarkDuplicates
#step 2 --- Recalibrate quality scores --> Final Recalibrated Bam
#step 2.1 --- gatk -T CountCovariates;
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T CountCovariates -l INFO -nt $this->{num_thread} ".
"--downsample_to_coverage $max_depth --default_platform Illumina ".
"-cov ReadGroupCovariate -cov QualityScoreCovariate -cov CycleCovariate -cov DinucCovariate ".
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.sorted.fixed.bam ".
"-recalFile ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.recal.csv > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.count.covariates.log");
#step 2.2 --- gatk -T TableRecalibration --> Final Recalibrated Bam
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T TableRecalibration -l INFO --default_platform Illumina ". #not support -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.realigned.sorted.fixed.bam -recalFile ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.recal.csv ".
"--out $this->{final_recalibrated_bam_file} > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.recalibration.log");
run_cmd("samtools index $this->{final_recalibrated_bam_file}");
# skip 2.3 -T CountCovariates
# skip 2.4 AnalyzeCovariate
# You may merge multiple final_recalibrated_bam files before Genotyping #
#step 3 --- Genotyping
#step 3.1 --- gatk -T IndelGenotyperV2;
#print STDERR "\nRunning the indel genotyper:\n";
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T IndelGenotyperV2 -l INFO --window_size 450 ". #not suport -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I $this->{final_recalibrated_bam_file} ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.indels.vcf -bed ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.indels.bed > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.indels.log");
# skip filter indels: perl /tools/filterSingleSampleCalls.pl
#step 3.2 python/makeIndelMask.py
# create intervals to mask snvs close to indels
# The output of the IndelGenotyper is used to mask out SNPs near indels.
# The number 10 in this command stands for the number of bases that will be included on either side of the indel
run_cmd("python $this->{gatk_dir}/python/makeIndelMask.py ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.indels.bed 10 ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.indels.mask.bed");
#step 3.3 --- gatk -T Unifiedgenotyper;
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T UnifiedGenotyper -l INFO ". #not suport -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-stand_call_conf 30 -stand_emit_conf 10 -pl SOLEXA -mmq 30 -mm40 3 ".
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-I $this->{final_recalibrated_bam_file} ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.raw.snps.vcf > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.snp.log");
#step 3.4 --- gatk -T VariantFiltration; VariantFiltration is used to annotate suspicious calls from VCF files based on their failing given filters.
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T VariantFiltration -l INFO ". #not suport -nt $this->{num_thread}
'--clusterSize 3 --clusterWindowSize 10 '.
'--filterExpression "DP <= 8" --filterName "DP8" '.
'--filterExpression "SB > -0.10" --filterName "StrandBias" '.
'--filterExpression "HRun > 8" --filterName "HRun8" '.
'--filterExpression "QD < 5.0" --filterName "QD5" '.
'--filterExpression "MQ0 >= 4 && ((MQ0 / (1.0 * DP)) > 0.1)" --filterName "hard2validate" '.
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} ".
"-B:variant,VCF ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.raw.snps.vcf ".
"-B:mask,Bed ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.indels.mask.bed --maskName InDel ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.snp.filtered.vcf > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.snp.filter.log");
## grep -i 'indel' Testis_T28.snp.filtered.vcf|more
## grep -i 'pass' Testis_T28.snp.filtered.vcf|more
run_cmd("$this->{gatk_GenomeAnalysisTK} -T VariantEval -l INFO ". #not suport -nt $this->{num_thread}
"-D $this->{dbsnp_rod} -R $this->{reference_fa} -L $this->{target_bed} ".
#-G Indicates that your VCF file has genotypes; -A Print extended evaluation information; -V Print a list of interesting sites (FPs, FNs, etc).
"-B:eval,VCF ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.snp.filtered.vcf ".
"-o ./snp_analysis_gatk/$this->{sample_name}.snp.filtered.eval > ./log/$this->{sample_name}.snp.filter.eval.log");
#annotate variants Annovar
#$cmd = "annotate_variation.pl -filter -batchsize 50m -dbtype snp$verdbsnp -buildver $buildver -outfile $outfile $queryfile $dbloc";
# Consensus Quality: Phred-scaled likelihood that the genotype is wrong
# SNP Quality: Phred-scaled likelihood that the genotype is identical to the reference,
# which is also called `SNP quality'. Suppose the reference base is A and in alignment
# we see 17 G and 3 A. We will get a low consensus quality because it is difficult to
# distinguish an A/G heterozygote from a G/G homozygote. We will get a high SNP
# quality, though, because the evidence of a SNP is very strong.
# RMS: root mean square (RMS) mapping quality, a measure of the variance of quality scores
# Coverage: reads covering the position
# 0. check fastq format
sub check_fastq_format
my $this = shift; # Figure out who I am
open(FASTQ, $this->{input_fq1}) or die "can't open $this->{input_fq1}: $@\n";
my $fastq_format;
my $counter = 2000; # count 2000 lines of quality scores
my $min_qualscore = 1e6;
my $max_qualscore = -1e6;
my $tmp;
while ($counter > 0)
$tmp = <FASTQ>; # @read name
$tmp = <FASTQ>; # base calls
$tmp = <FASTQ>; # +read name
my $scores = <FASTQ>; # quality scores
if (!$scores) { last }
#print $scores;
for my $chr (map(ord, split(//, $scores)))
if ($chr < $min_qualscore)
$min_qualscore = $chr;
if ($chr > $max_qualscore)
$max_qualscore = $chr;
# Phred+33 means quality score + 33 = ASCII
if ($min_qualscore >= 33 && $max_qualscore <= 126)
$fastq_format = "Sanger";
# Solexa+64 means quality score + 64 = ASCII
if ($min_qualscore >= 59 && $max_qualscore <= 126)
$fastq_format = "Solexa";
# Phred+64 means quality score + 64 = ASCII
if ($min_qualscore >= 64 && $max_qualscore <= 126)
$fastq_format = "Illumina 1.3+";
# Phred+64 in both both Illumina 1.3+ and Illumina 1.5+
#if ($min_qualscore >= 66 && $max_qualscore <= 126)
# $fastq_format = "Illumina 1.5+";
# Illumina 1.8+ returned to the use of the Sanger format (Phred+33)
print "$fastq_format fastq format: ASCII(min, max) = ($min_qualscore, $max_qualscore)\n";
$this->{fastq_format} = $fastq_format;
if ($this->{fastq_format} eq "Sanger")
$this->{sanger_fq1} = $this->{input_fq1};
$this->{sanger_fq2} = $this->{input_fq2};
return $fastq_format;
# 1. QCGroomer step: illumina2sanger
# Alternative converter "fastq_quality_converter -i $this->{input_fq1} -o $this->{sanger_fq1}"
sub illumina2sanger
my $this = shift; # Figure out who I am
my $fastq_converter;
if ($this->{fastq_format} eq "Sanger")
print "The input fastq is already in Sanger format, no need for conversion!!\n";
elsif ($this->{fastq_format} eq "Solexa")
$fastq_converter = "maq sol2sanger";
elsif ($this->{fastq_format} eq "Illumina 1.3+")
$fastq_converter = "maq ill2sanger";
print "No Sanger or Illumina fastq format found, exit now!!\n";
run_cmd("$fastq_converter $this->{input_fq1} $this->{sanger_fq1}");
run_cmd("$fastq_converter $this->{input_fq2} $this->{sanger_fq2}");
# 2. QCStats step: qcstats
# use fastx tool kit to process
# http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/commandline.html
# check linux version by "uname -a"
# To set PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/tools/fastx_tk
# vi .bash_profile
# source .bash_profile
sub qcstats
my $this = shift;
run_cmd("fastx_quality_stats -Q 33 -i $this->{sanger_fq1} -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq1}"."_stats.txt"); #option -Q 33 is for Sanger format
run_cmd("fastq_quality_boxplot_graph.sh -i ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq1}_stats.txt -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq1}_stats.png -t \"$this->{sanger_fq1}\"");
# my $qcnecleotide_cmd1 = "fastx_nucleotide_distribution_graph.sh -i $this->{sanger_fq1}"."_stats.txt -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq1}_nuc.png -t \"$this->{sanger_fq1} nucleotide distribution\"";
run_cmd("fastx_quality_stats -Q 33 -i $this->{sanger_fq2} -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq2}"."_stats.txt"); #option -Q 33 is for Sanger format
run_cmd("fastq_quality_boxplot_graph.sh -i ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq2}_stats.txt -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq2}_stats.png -t \"$this->{sanger_fq2}\"");
# my $qcnecleotide_cmd2 = "fastx_nucleotide_distribution_graph.sh -i $this->{sanger_fq2}"."_stats.txt -o ./qcstats/$this->{sanger_fq2}_nuc.png -t \"$this->{sanger_fq2} nucleotide distribution\"";
sub fastq_trimmer
my $this = shift;
my ($first_base_pos, $last_base_pos) = @_;
print "reads at positions($first_base_pos, $last_base_pos) selected\n";
my $trimmed_fq1 = $this->{sanger_fq1};
$trimmed_fq1 =~ s/fq$/trimmed.fq/;
run_cmd("fastx_trimmer -Q 33 -f $first_base_pos -l $last_base_pos -i $this->{sanger_fq1} -o $trimmed_fq1");
$this->{sanger_fq1} = $trimmed_fq1;
my $trimmed_fq2 = $this->{sanger_fq2};
$trimmed_fq2 =~ s/fq$/trimmed.fq/;
run_cmd("fastx_trimmer -Q 33 -f $first_base_pos -l $last_base_pos -i $this->{sanger_fq2} -o $trimmed_fq2");
$this->{sanger_fq2} = $trimmed_fq2;
sub aln_bwa
# my (%sample_setting) = @_;
my $this = shift;
run_cmd("bwa aln -t $this->{num_thread} $this->{reference_fa} $this->{sanger_fq1} > ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read1.sai");
run_cmd("bwa aln -t $this->{num_thread} $this->{reference_fa} $this->{sanger_fq2} > ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read2.sai");
#to add read group information -r '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar'
run_cmd("bwa sampe $this->{reference_fa} ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read1.sai ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read2.sai ".
"$this->{sanger_fq1} $this->{sanger_fq2} > ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sam");
run_cmd("bwa samse $this->{reference_fa} ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read1.sai $this->{sanger_fq1} > ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sam");
# #//sed 's/[ \t]*$//g' $sample_name.sam >$sample_name.sed.sam
run_cmd("samtools import $this->{reference_fa}.fai ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sam ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.bam");
run_cmd("samtools sort ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.bam ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted");
run_cmd("samtools index ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted.bam");
#scp -r ./picard-tools-1.44/ NUSSTF\\gmslz@
#add $HOME/tools/picard-tools-1.44 to PATH in file .bash_profile
#source .bash_profile
##### remove PCR duplicate using PICARD
##### remove PRC duplicates by picard, use AS=true so that picard knows the bam is sorted.
run_cmd("$this->{picard_MarkDuplicates} VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT M=PCR_duplicates.M.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true AS=true ".
"I=./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted.bam ".
#add read group inforation
run_cmd("$this->{picard_AddOrReplaceReadGroups} RGID=lane1 RGLB=$this->{sample_name}.fastq RGPL=Illumina RGPU=run RGSM=$this->{sample_name} CREATE_INDEX=TRUE VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT ".
"I=./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted.rmdup.bam ".
run_cmd("samtools index ./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sorted.rmdup.rg.bam");
unlink("./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read1.sai", "./bam/$this->{sample_name}.read2.sai", "./bam/$this->{sample_name}.sam");
sub run_cmd
my $cmd = shift;
my $start_time = localtime();
my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($start_time->year + 1900, $start_time->mon+1, $start_time->mday, $start_time->hour, $start_time->min, $start_time->sec);
my $start_time_sec = timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);
print "\tSTART $cmd\n";
my $cmd_res = system($cmd);
if ($cmd_res)
my $error_time = localtime;
($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($error_time->year + 1900, $error_time->mon+1, $error_time->mday, $error_time->hour, $error_time->min, $error_time->sec);
printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);
print "\tERROR: $?\nEXIT!!\n\n";
exit 1;
my $end_time = localtime;
($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($end_time->year + 1900, $end_time->mon+1, $end_time->mday, $end_time->hour, $end_time->min, $end_time->sec);
my $end_time_sec = timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
my $difference = $end_time_sec - $start_time_sec;
my $seconds = $difference % 60;
$difference = ($difference - $seconds) / 60;
my $minutes = $difference % 60;
$difference = ($difference - $minutes) / 60;
my $hours = $difference % 24;
printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);
print "\tSUCCESS after running $hours hours $minutes minutes $seconds seconds\n\n";
# Reference:
# http://www.bbmriwiki.nl/wiki/PipelineCommands
# http://www.bbmriwiki.nl/wiki/SnpCallingPipeline/VariantCalling
# http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/gatkdocs/
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