Zhengdeng Lei, PhD

Zhengdeng Lei, PhD

2009 - Present Research Fellow at Duke-NUS, Singapore
2007 - 2009 High Throughput Computational Analyst, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York
2003 - 2007 PhD, Bioinformatics, University of Illinois at Chicago

Sunday, March 11, 2012



mesenchymal (BEZ235, abl/src inhibitor)

proliferative(anthracycline, docetaxel, paclitaxelcisplatin)
Search GEO for "Anthracycline"

Mutations in p53 and BRCA1(both somatic and germ-line) are more common in basal-like breast cancers than in other subtypes, and these cancers are also more sensitive to anthracyclines. Laboratory studies suggest that normal p53 function is necessary for initiation of cell death in BRCA1 wild-type cell lines, whereas cell death is p53-independent in BRCA1-mutated cell lines.[57] Based on these in vitro observations, one could hypothesize that p53 mutations predict resistance in luminal cancers, whereas such an association might not be present in basal-like cancers. Indeed, several reports showed that mutated p53 correlated with resistance to anthracyclines;[58] however, another study suggested that mutated p53 correlated closely with the efficacy of anthracycline-based chemotherapy.[59] One possible explanation for the discrepant results is that the first study mostly included luminal cancers (in which p53 correlates with resistance) and the second study inadvertently included more basal-like cancers and, therefore, p53 mutation status simply served as a surrogate to identify the generally chemotherapy-sensitive molecular subtype. Remarkably, comparison of the patient populations of the two studies showed substantial differences-72% of the patients included in the Geisler et al. study[58] had low-grade or intermediate-grade tumors, whereas in the Bertheau et al. study[59] most patients were ER-negative and high-grade. These observations suggest that testing single bio-markers in predefined molecular subsets of breast cancer or applying supervised outcome prediction methods to specific subsets could identify molecular-class-specific predictive signatures.

metabolic(5-fu, methotrexate)

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